

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Yesterday I Switched it Up

Yesterday I switched it up. Instead of using the Womans Day November Menu

We had kale, broccoli and Black bean chili.
I cut up celery, onion, pepper, browned it, browned 1 lb. of grass fed beef, added 1 28 oz. of tomato sauce, salt, pepper and 3-4 tbsp. of chili powder and cooked for 45 minutes. Served over rice.

oops, I forgot while I was preparing the above, I had a banana squash in the oven....I drizzled molasses and sugar on it (I am out of honey) when it came out of the oven.  You can add some butter it you like.

By the way, banana squash should be the number one prep food to grow in your garden....It is huge, although a little difficult to peal and cut up.  I really needed a hack saw :)  My friend gave me some out of her garden and she said she did not give me the larger ones!  She also told me they make great pumpkin pie...most cans of pumpkin are just some kind of squash.  

How to make a pumpkin pie from squash

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