

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Sunday Service 4-19-2020

You can watch church services here Christ Church Grove Farm

I watched the 9 O'clock service. Love the sermon. Here are my very rough notes:
Gen 37 -50
Gen: 37:1-2
Joseph has two dreams
Meant for Good
What do we do when our dreams appear to be lost
When we cannot see God?
Shattered dreams and the nature of God
Joseph is a shepherd, his flock is his brothers
1.       Joseph was pampered 2. Is a man of God (1Kings 19:19)
Dreams: Means of God speaking to them ( Gen. 20)  Dream down to earth …the sheaves of grain
One more upward…dreams of power gains, family saved,
Vs. 1-11  favorite child, dreams grandiosely skilled apprentice shepherd and has a coat

Vs 18  He went to check on his brothers Dreamer lives life with grand intentions. Brothers call him a dreamer, they mean one empowered by prophetic dreams. Expressed knowledge about future….people did not like this, the prophets were treated violently, so do Joseph’s brothers treat him. The rejection of Joseph is rejection of prophecy and God. (They sell Joseph to Ishmalites.
Do you think that Joseph had purpose and preferential treatment? Do you feel this way now? Do you feel like YOU have a future.

Vs. 31  Brothers took back Joseph’s bloody robe. His father Jacob mourns. Sheoul…I will join my son in  Sheoul.  Un healthy mourning. How are you dealing with loss? Do you refuse to be comforted. Is your gaze downward?  The question is Where is God?  He is not mentioned in vs. 27. God’s leadership, though hidden is the real story of this
In a time of knowing so much and doing so much, what does it mean to trust in God?
1.       The purposes of God are at work in ways that can seem to be hidden and unnoticed.
2.       The ways of God are at work regardless of human attitudes or actions.
3.       God is visualized as working through day to day people and events.
4.       4. We can trust God works his way his ways will come to fruition

Romans 8:28 God works for good to those who love him who have been called according to His purpose.
A loss of plans, opportunities….You love a God who works all things for good. Joseph helps us to be assured.
Vs. 9  God is there: Then he had another dream the sun and moon and eleven stars were bowing down to me…..almost blasphemy, it’s not the bowing points to Jesus Christ. Every knee will bow and every tongue  confess.  
1Pet. 1: 6-8   There is a dream that is spoken over us. We dream about the promise and eternal hope we have in Jesus. It’s bigger than a world pandemic. We have eternal hope in Christ.
Go has not abandoned the dream Bow before Jesus and believe in him the eternal life of Christ.