

Monday, December 14, 2015

Merry Christmas from Shaws

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Wednesday, November 18, 2015

By the Bye

I wasn’t there
you were
lines into your veins
keeping you just alive

I was in the kitchen
stuffing percolating

You were in the er

my baby
by the bye
fly ing
home to God

fleeing heroin

starting a step up the ladder
to heaven

forming a coalition with angels gone before

looking down on

them that don’t care

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Are You Getting In?!!!!

Getting ready
Buying clothes you might need
Buying shoes and detergent
Trolling aisles in Target
Walmart, Marshalls for shoes.

Are we getting ready for vacation?
Are we getting ready for college? (I wish)

Taking a big long trip
Following the GPS
Getting a tour of the campus (I wish)

Hoping you get in
Will you?

Harvard, Anthropologist, Writer
Are you getting in
Grad school, moot point, graveyard
Are you getting in?

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Someone's Lover

Seems like
I think I remember since no one seems to
There are individuals that are dying
Right now.
It seems to fall into the background
Unusually quickly
They are someone’s child
Someone’s lover
Someone’s parent

WE have to wait to get the narcan
We have to wait till they want it
Those who don’t need it
Those who don’t have a parent, child, lover

Who needs it

Saturday, October 03, 2015

We Are Here

Well here we are
A hurricane on the East
Fed up Rally, Facing Addiction
on The Mall
and who shows up
Joaquin approaches and it
is justified and synchronized with
how addiction  meddles its string ever
so slight at first but thickening into a rope
of non-hope

But look we are here
not just this year
but every
but tears
tears bonds

I am sure we won't be
silenced by winds or waves
bobbling to shout above the roar

Our kids need HELP!

Friday, August 28, 2015

The Old Laughing Lady

The Old Laughing Lady, probably my only Neil Young song.

This year, addiction came home to roost.

It wasn’t pretty cute anymore.

It was sad

hopeless…it was college years down the drain

college years that never came

or never present for.

Three of you listened to the whore

I wish peter pan were true

we’d jump out the window and

fly away to neverland

a ship at sea with crimson skies

I’d tell the captain to reach

and he would.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Spirits Drifting into Ether

It might change

you might begin to
notice the young'uns

Shows written
Disappearing youth
can't compare the Reality

They go on
w/o much ado

vials of hanging liquid
emptied along with
spirits drifting into ether

rivulets spiral down
and out
passing thru

blue runnel
flues into space

U might begin to notice

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Frozen Diatribe

Who will we pray for tonight
my ailing country

The sequestered mind
nodding in the corner?

the frozen diatribe unspoken?

Riding their horses
over the land
looking for food
finding dope?

The trees are gone

My country

The quartered sums
of thoughts

The schools shut down

Loans need to be paid

Epi demic
doesn't register
unless it hits home

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Immobile Fantasies that seem OK but Aren't

There he is
Sitting there
I introverted
Wondering how to swoop in
On what I must do to survive

It will only take
Extreme intervention
For us to make it

The universal life force will have
To intervene.

Who will tell them to.

Pings across centuries
That organize this chaos
And say this can’t

Without certitude

Wednesday, May 06, 2015

I Am Pretty Sure

 That Will Kill

Look at you
Now that you are OK
Look at me

I don’t think so
I am pretty sure
I am gonna have
A stroke soon
That will kill

I know I can call
On you, Lord
And it doesn't matter
In the infinite line
That goes on

But, But, But

I wanted to climb Everest
I wanted to photograph and
Draw trees that I love
And You have created.

I wanted to dance on
Waves in coastlines
That registered crinoline
Ribbons across behemoth portal
That’s not just it
I wanted to do
What I wanted to

I didn't want to fight cancer
Didn’t want to fight indifference
Malicious indignation
Pernicious flights into
Felonious fronts against peaceful
Nights at home by a fire

I wanted to sit on a hill
And float
Above the clouds as i
Assume my throne
Ruffling over waves of French
Threads of silken cloth

I wanted perfect lives
In all my threads
But I got this
I got that
I got sideways glances
Into death
I received maturation
Into truth

Saturday, May 02, 2015

It's Not Unusual

Happens All the Time

People imagine from stereotypical visions what my kids who did heroin are like.

It happens all the time….the times we showed up in the emergency rooms and I as a mom was hoping for RESCUE, I was hoping for, no, expecting my child to finally be rescued and sent to salvation. I was expecting understanding from personnel and received disgust.

 I was hoping that the thin thread of hope I had thrown out to the ER expecting that my child would not be shuffled but attended to as a human being who needed rescued,

 It didn’t happen.

I know the dedication of nurses and ER work force. I personally think that education is needed.

My kids are just like yours.  They went to college, they played soccer, and they wrote poems, knitted scarves, invented civilizations with bears and dolls. They hoped to be engineers, veterinarians, anthropologists and then heroin took over.  They were shuffled alright into despair.

All I ask is that the stigma end.
My daughter, who is in a half-way house was in her first Art Show today:

This is why I volunteer for Not One More Pittsburgh. I want to help educate people about the hazards of heroin and how it could happen to your child.  I want to make our community aware of the epidemic.  I want to try to warn YOU so that you can avert the nightmare we went through.
Please join our organization and help.

Not One More Pittsburgh  and consider giving to our organization GoFundMe

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Blue Hues

There is a seashore I saw in a dream
It said step here
And go down to the fluid
Grains grow up in my
Thought of you

I waited
You did come

Did you see the color?
It preceded your arrival
Blue hued flues of pillars
Went down to the sand

To the right I looked and
Saw a cliff
Not blue but mud

Perfect frame

How many times do I have to

I want to stay in place and have

Your waves come to me.

Cracks and Trains

“There is a crack running down right the front of me”

I can walk out into the waves that blew past the mountain
The port drops off
I get to step into the sky
There I find a cold wait
For the next train

That’s the jist of life
You do and do
You try hard

No one even is looking 

Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Saturday, January 03, 2015

The End of Civilization

I am so sad today
My end was bought.

I have to find another end.
They are buying up the end
and doomsdaying the Wild
horse of Corolla

I shall die too