Today is the day that filming ends in Pittsburgh for The Twitter 2wkfilm challenge.
"what started as a joke between a couple of filmmakers on Twitter turned into a challenge: make a feature-length film in two weeks. Yes, two weeks. And I know what you're thinking, that's an insane idea. True, but that's exactly why it's a great one.
You spend two weeks in hell making a film that no one expects to be any good at all. And if you can clear that hurdle and make something people actually want to see, you've got a film that you can say, "We made this in two weeks on a Twitter challenge". That's a pretty good promotional hook, don't you think? There's festivals that would love to show a film like that.
And if it's terrible? Oh well. I doubt anyone will hold that against us.
The rules (such as they are): feature-length (60+ min), have 2 weeks from start of filming to fine cut (but not final cut, so we can color correct and whatever before sending to festivals), and it must be done by the end of May."
..... Lucas McNelly from "Introducing, the 2 week Twitter film"
Check out some of the photos and web logs:
Facebook Lucas McNelly
Photos from the Film: