

Saturday, December 30, 2006

AMomsLove New Years....Have a Poetry Writing New Years party

Let Your New Years Be Kind
Print poetry and pass it out at your party....


"With a nod to Thoreau, we can put a lot of life in sharper perspective by listening to what this early American thinker discovered during his self-imposed exile at Walden Pond..."

Make Resolutions your Goal

History of New Years
This is a fun read.

Five Ways to Kick Procrastination

New Years Eve Party menu

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas Dinner

Sunday, December 24, 2006

AMomsLove Alternate Christmas Universe

Sorry for not finding this sooner...
but I found an alternate AMomsLove Christmas Universe
There are lots of ideas here for last minute gifts...
Alternate Christmas Links:
Some of them are Christmas Snowman Soup
Flannel T-shirt, Emergency Cookies and so much more...

Friday, December 22, 2006

More Christmas Stuff

Looking for some dinner music for Christmas...
here is the kind of music I remember as a child and
you can get the CD for a dollar at Target!

The name of the CD is St. James Choir of Angels...
it is plain beautiful music.
check for it as you walk in in the dollar section.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Last Hours to Advertise on AMomsLove.com!

Don't lose your chance to advertise on AMomsLove.com

is offering a special

that is a very rare opportunity.....
Certain stipulations apply:
Since I am a member of womensforum,
the party must have a budget of less than $10,000 for advertising,

For $500 (normally $700), you can be in the left side menu bar of
almost every page on the MAGAZINE for a year...either a text ad or a

AMomsLove is

number three on Google

Check out AMomsLove 's Link Popularity, Search Engine Saturation and Keyword verification on

Hurry and bid on this AD...before it's Gone and you have
lost out for at least another year.

Don't miss out...I will not be offering this again at this price for
another year. (Note: Ad must be appropriate for moms site...no adult, etc.)

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Almost Forgot....Advertise Special on AMomsLove.com

is offering a special

that is a very rare opportunity.....
Certain stipulations apply:
Since I am a member of womensforum,
the party must have a budget of less than $10,000 for advertising,

AMOmsLove Ebay Ad

For $500 (normally $700), you can be in the left side menu bar of
almost every page on the MAGAZINE for a year...either a text ad or a

AMOmsLove.com is number three on Google
for Moms...
Check out AMomsLove 's Link Popularity, Search Engine Saturation and Keyword verification on

Hurry and bid on this AD...before it's Gone and you have
lost out for at least another year.

Don't miss out...I will not be offering this again at this price for
another year. (Note: Ad must be appropriate for moms site...no adult, etc.)

What we're having for dinner

Rachel came over...first of all my husband loves Rachael Ray because I am cooking again,
but anyway, Monday, Rachel and Pete came over and we had
onions and butter or butter substitute
Nice Italian sausage buns
Ice Water, Juice

Johnsville Bratwurst....just fry it...actually follow pkg. directions...
first place in water and cook...etc.
Rachel chopped some onions (save some onions for pierogis) and simmered them to that she added
sauerkraut...get the one in the glass jar. She simmered the sauerkraut for about 45 minutes or more.
I boiled some water and cooked the pierogis....when Peter came she
warmed the pierogi up by frying them in the butter.

It was a very good meal.

Another dinner I made this weekend that lasted a good part of the week was
It was dee lish! Racheal Rays not sagna

My Mantle Decorations so far....

OK this is hard to see, I need to add some bright silver and gold balls and maybe another tree.
If you click on the photo you can see it better.
Bernie cut some holly for me and I got the ribbon at pat catans and the candles and bead garland at target.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Friday, December 01, 2006

AMomsLove News: Most Glorious Christmas Special

Welcome to AMomsLove News
December 1, 2006
~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
Top Spot:
~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
Stayin' Home and Lovin It'!

Enhance YOUR life by joining our successful
team of serious, motivated individuals- Moms,
Dads, grandparents, anyone looking to make a difference for their
future! Our RISK FREE
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stocking or delivering products.

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UNLIMITED support. Visit us today!

http://ReachYourDre amsToday. com

Come Be Successful With Us!

~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
Hang the garland, put up the wreath,
labor over the lights on the tree.
I just have two more sets to put on and
I will have a pic on the site for you to

Christmas on AMomsLove

Cow Country Christmas Menu/Recipes
http://www.amomslov e.com/hg- recipes-christma s01.html
Check out
Walnut-Baked Brie, Peppermint Candy Cake
and lots more.

A Three Part Plan to Enjoy the Season
http://www.amomslov e.com/moms- working-enjoyfes t.html
"Every year, you promise to get a better grip on the holidays but
somehow, you always get caught up in the stress of the season. No
wonder you get tense at this time of the year...."

8 Tips to an Easy Holiday Shopping Experience
http://www.amomslov e.com/hol- christmas- easyshop. html
"You don't have to get everything done in one trip. Set aside a short
period of time over several days rather than trying to accomplish
everything in one trip...."

Cheap Christmas Gifts
http://www.amomslov e.com/hol- christmas- cheapgift. html
"...but hopefully you can find gifts that won't put a big dent in your
pocketbook. I've come up with a few good ideas that might help."

Mommy...Daddy. ..is there really a Santa Claus?
by Mark Bulleit
http://www.amomslov e.com/hol- christmas- issanta.html
"But how do you answer this? No one wants to crush a child's dreams of
Santa and holiday magic..."

Don't Let the Marketers Ruin Your Holidays
by Johann Christoph Arnold
http://www.amomslov e.com/moms- edit-dads. html
"Having raised eight children of my own, I know the dilemma parents
face. In a world increasingly hostile to children, we want to show we
care by acting on our spontaneous loving impulses, which usually means

Many Others:
http://www.amomslov e.com/hol- christmas- santas.html
Merry Christmas, Santas

http://www.amomslov e.com/hol- christmas- memories. html
Christmas Memories

http://www.amomslov e.com/hol- christmas- holdaze.html
In a "Holidaze"?

http://www.amomslov e.com/moms- road-holidayjobs .html
Now onto Christmas... Real Jobs

http://www.amomslov e.com/moms- road-smellchrist mas.html
Come On In and Smell the Christmas

http://www.amomslov e.com/moms- road-christmasmo ney.html
Cleaning My House Gives Me Christmas Money

http://www.amomslov e.com/moms- road-christmasme mories.html
Christmas Memories, RV Style

http://www.amomslov e.com/hol- christmas- wheniwaslittle. html
When I Was Little

http://www.amomslov e.com/moms- single-gifts. html
Gift Ideas for Childcare Providers

http://www.amomslov e.com/health- superwoman. html
Surperwoman' s Christmas

http://www.amomslov e.com/moms- working-christma s85.html
Christmas of 1985

http://www.amomslov e.com/moms- party-holidaypla n.html
Holiday Party Planning Guide
~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
is offering a special that I do not offer but rarely....
Certain stipulations apply though,
since I am a member of womensforum,
the party must have a budget of less than $10,000 for
For $480 (normally $700), you can be in my left side menu bar of
almost every page on the magazine for a year..either a text ad or a
AMomsLove is number one on yahoo for moms and number three on google.
If interested send email to
mom@amomslove. com
Place Christmas Special Ad in subject.
Don't miss out...I will not be offering this again at this price for
another year.
~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
is launching a brand new website called
MOMsIntheNews. com
If you want to be part of the first broadcast show
send me your moms news...news must be geared toward moms...
must be NEWS...not stuff moms see around over and over again...
must be business, family, parenting, partner oriented or anything that
moms would be interested in.
send to admin@momsinthenews .com
Subject: MomsintheNews



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getting traffic to your website:
http://www.InstantB uzz.com/r/ ?amomslove
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Starting a Catering Business
http://amomslove. catering. hop.clickbank. net
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