

Thursday, December 14, 2006

What we're having for dinner

Rachel came over...first of all my husband loves Rachael Ray because I am cooking again,
but anyway, Monday, Rachel and Pete came over and we had
onions and butter or butter substitute
Nice Italian sausage buns
Ice Water, Juice

Johnsville Bratwurst....just fry it...actually follow pkg. directions...
first place in water and cook...etc.
Rachel chopped some onions (save some onions for pierogis) and simmered them to that she added
sauerkraut...get the one in the glass jar. She simmered the sauerkraut for about 45 minutes or more.
I boiled some water and cooked the pierogis....when Peter came she
warmed the pierogi up by frying them in the butter.

It was a very good meal.

Another dinner I made this weekend that lasted a good part of the week was
It was dee lish! Racheal Rays not sagna

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