I am home sick this morn.
Thought I would write a few words.
Just wanted to let you know about
a few good mom sites...of course
Take a look at the contest I have going..I'm giving away five dvd's
"Tail to the Chief" so please enter. You are supposed to tell a pet story
but if you can't enter anyway.
AMomsLove Contest.
A friend of mine on blog catalog noted this website. Parents give tips on kid products.
Here is another product driven blog
Hip Mamma's Place
Cheryl has just started writing for AMomsLove as a humorist.
She is actually available to talk at any function you might have!
Check out her blog:
Mom Laughs
Still want an SUV, here are the best fuel economy brands:
Ford Escape Hybird FWD...31/36 Hwy/Town
Ford Escape Hybird 4WD....29/32
Lexus RX 400H FWD....29/32
Toyota Highlander Hybird FWD...29/32
I found this on vehix.com....click on buying guide at the bottom and then click on type of vehicle.
Want to read a inspirational article?
Lessons from Mom
My daughter is reading her book, Forgive Me and she and I read this article together
and both started crying.
Another inspirational article I have is
Is Love only for the Lucky?
By Bob and Cheryl Moeller. They have a national marriage ministry. You can check it out on www.forkeepsconference.com.
Well, on to some hot tea and cough meds.
Have a nice day!
1 comment:
Thank you so much for featuring my site, do appreciate it. :)
BTW, we have a winner for the March Mom Blog of the Month Contest. Check out at www.hipmamasplace.com when you get a chance. Thanks and have a great day! :)
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