

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Do You Know What Your Kids are Up to?

If you are in Pittsburgh tomorrow come join us at The Art Institute.

Not One More Pittsburgh will be raising awareness of the Heroin Epidemic.

Parents, I am telling you, you need to take action, you need to be proactive.
I had no clue my kids were dabbling with drugs, let alone messing with Heroin.
Just put "Heroin Epidemic" in google and see what you come up with. Here is an example of
a report: http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/americas-heroin-epidemic/managing-sons-heroin-addiction-full-time-job-n77391 It's everywhere. It's not just in the inner city like you might imagine. You need to be
in the know.  Educate yourself. In the future Not One More Pittsburgh will be showcasing The Anonymous
People in several locations in Pittsburgh area. Check out the trailer:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqoEtUn0Agw

My daughter went for help to an emergency room. They sent her home. I called them back and said why...and told a little of her story...the professional said, "I think you want it more than she does..."
If your baby were lying in a gutter, would you step over her/him and say, oh, "She doesn't want it bad enough."  Of course not.

Drug use is a choice initially. Eventually it become a disease. "The rewarding effects of drugs of abuse come from large and rapid upsurges in dopamine, a neurochemical critical to stimulating feelings of pleasure and to motivating behavior. The rapid dopamine “rush” from drugs of abuse mimics but greatly exceeds in intensity and duration the feelings that occur in response to such pleasurable stimuli as the sight or smell of food, for example. Repeated exposure to large, drug-induced dopamine surges has the insidious consequence of ultimately blunting the response of the dopamine system to everyday stimuli. Thus the drug disturbs a person’s normal hierarchy of needs and desires and substitutes new priorities concerned with procuring and using the drug." (http://science.education.nih.gov/supplements/nih2/addiction/guide/essence.htm)

Do not abandon your loved one: My Sister Was an Addict So for Years I Stayed Away  let's you know what the proper response is. I am not saying that you shouldn't set boundaries. 

Come to the Art Institute tomorrow, August 22, 2014 and see if you can become part of the solution.  Arm yourself with knowledge. Be proactive. Join Not One More PIttsburgh: 
RX2DC is an event promoting the awareness of the dangers of prescription medication deaths an overdoses. 

An creative display of approximately 15,000 prescription bottles, some with pictures of lives lost caused by prescription medication and addiction/overdose.

Join Not One More, Sage's Army and others in support of the Ohio group, RX Epidemic Memorial Foundation. Help them educate people on the dangers of Prescription drugs, who is affected and how these drugs play a role in our Drug Addiction Epidemic. Come share your story, bring a photo of a loved one lost to overdose and be an interactive participant or just come and support.

The Art Institute of Pittsburgh is cohosting this event and will be doing videos as well. Media will also be attending.

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