Tuesday, December 29, 2009
New Years Eve Menu and Recipes
tortilla cream cheese and salsa wraps(then slice into pinwheels)
potato chips
black diamond white cheddar cheese
pecorino cheese
pumpernickle bread
breton crackers
kielbassa from the strip
salad with cukes lettuce tomatoes and homemade french…
(oil, vinegar, sugar, honey, paprika, salt, pepper)
gingerale, coke and sparkling grape juice
Sweet ‘n Sour Meatballs
2 lbs. Ground beef
½ cup of bread crumbs
1 tsp. Salt ¼ tsp. Pepper
1 medium onion chopped
2 eggs
Combine all ingredients in a mixing bowl. Shape into 1-1/2 inch balls.
Brown meatballs in oil and drain fat.
Sauce for Meatballs
4 tbsp. Of brown sugar
3 tbsp. Of cornstarch
1 cup of water
2 cans of pineapple chunks (reserve syrup)
1 cup of syrup… from cans of pineapple
6 tbsp. Of apple cider vinegar
4 tbsp. Of soy sauce
4 green peppers cut into 1 inch pieces
In large skillet add sugar, and cornstarch tobrowned meatballs. Stir in water, syrup, vinegarand soy sauce. Heat mixture until boils andthickens, stirring constantly. Add pineapple,green pepper. Simmer covered, 15 to 20 minutes
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Thanksgiving 2009
Thanksgiving Dinner 09
Mashed Potatoes
Candied Sweet Potatoes (Gretchen)
Green Bean Casserole (Julie)
Cranberry Sauce
Rolls (Gretchen)
Pumpkin Pie
Apple Pie
Peanut Butter Brownies (Julie)
Chocolate Brownies (Julie)
Cool Whip (Gretchen)
Ice Tea (Gretchen)
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Last Day of Filming for Twitter 2wkfilm in Pittsburgh

Today is the day that filming ends in Pittsburgh for The Twitter 2wkfilm challenge.
"what started as a joke between a couple of filmmakers on Twitter turned into a challenge: make a feature-length film in two weeks. Yes, two weeks. And I know what you're thinking, that's an insane idea. True, but that's exactly why it's a great one.
You spend two weeks in hell making a film that no one expects to be any good at all. And if you can clear that hurdle and make something people actually want to see, you've got a film that you can say, "We made this in two weeks on a Twitter challenge". That's a pretty good promotional hook, don't you think? There's festivals that would love to show a film like that.
And if it's terrible? Oh well. I doubt anyone will hold that against us.
The rules (such as they are): feature-length (60+ min), have 2 weeks from start of filming to fine cut (but not final cut, so we can color correct and whatever before sending to festivals), and it must be done by the end of May."
..... Lucas McNelly from "Introducing, the 2 week Twitter film"
Check out some of the photos and web logs:
Facebook Lucas McNelly
Photos from the Film:
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Date with the Dentist
Yep, I went to San Francisco on March 1st, it was my first night there and out of the vending machine I purchased my downward spiral into tooth ache hell.
It was about the fourth cheesy pretzel nugget and I thought, "Hmm, there is something rather harder than normal in this particular bite, ah I think that might be my tooth." And, it was...a piece of the right upper molar,
Then, a month later, I was at a wedding at the doubletree in pittsburgh, and I put something else in my mouth, took a bite and the rest of the half of that particular tooth, plus the filling, cracked and fell out.
From Wedding ben and becky |
Well, that was April 18th and this week around Wed. (May 14) it started hurting considerably, so Friday I went to see my dentist...he just sealed it with something and I made an appt. for June 10th to get a crown. As I was driving away, my tooth began thumping, so I called doc, he said try some advil, anyway, I just came back from the ER and I made an appt. for Monday at 10, the doc will come in earlier to fix my tooth.
What do you do for a toothache? Clove oil? Read some of the precautions on using clove oil:
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
My Mothers Day
I had a beautiful Mothers Day.
Kelly cleaned for me and made
Better than Sex Cake
Not sure which recipe she used.
It was good.
Gretchen made a salad and some brownies
Here is the mantle with my cards:
Julie made hmmmm Lasagna...I will have to get her recipe
but here are some from Allrecipes
Peter brought over Liam
and we just had a wonderful time.
Bridgette painted me a picture and got me the most beautiful roses
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day
Kids are in the kitchen making dinner AND cleaning up afterwards!
I am doing some laundry because I don't have anything else to do and
hanging out on http://www.twitter.com/amomslove (follow me)
and webpartner.com and last fm
Check out my music on
and on Blip
Check out My Notes
and my articles
Kids are making
Better than Sex Cake
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Cinco de Mayo
We had a very nice Cinco de Mayo.
I just made tacos, but I made them from scratch, not the
tortillas, though.
I cut up onion and browned it and put a pound and an half of ground sirloin. I let that brown a little,
added about 4 tbsp. of chili powder, Mrs. Dash chipolte seasoning, salt, fresh ground multi colored pepper, and 2 minced cloves of garlic. I let it all cook on simmer while I…
cut up tomatoes, lettuce,yellow peppers, onion, openend up some fresh salsa from the store and good quality guacamole and sour cream to use as toppings for the tacos. I also had the large flour tortillas warming in the oven in tin foil.
Served everything with Ice Tea and threw in some white taco chips…..I can tell you we are all stuffed.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
What's a Mom to Do about the Swine Flu
So I am thinking the best defense is to eat well.stock up on apples, oranges, any fruit,snack on these instead of junk.make a bag of deep green lettuce, peppers, cukes, parsley…addtomatoes, oil, vinegar, mrs. dash and snack.
Mix some yogurt, nuts, raisins, cranberries, oats for a snack.Make yourself a slushy, mix together plain yogurt, any fruit in a blender…add ice.
Drop the coffee and make a nice pot of green tea.
When you sign in somewhere …use your own pen.
Do not touch doorknobs…wear gloves ( a kleenex) if you can…
Wipe everything down as often as you can if you are at a publicplace like work or school.
Maybe before you have a party at home where germs can spread like crazy…have it at a park pavillion instead.
Washing your hands is the obvious preventative, carry the little packs of hand wipes.
Don’t forget do not touch your eyes, nose and mouth.
Clean off the back packs…esp. handles, your purse and oh, I read that money is very dirty,some businesses near Mexico are having their employees wear latex gloves to handle money.
Don’t forget a few schools have been closed because of the flu.
Just pay attention to your child’s health and perhaps notice whether any of their friends are sick.
sore throat
body aches
or headache
Around the house:
Wipe off your door knobs,light switches, floors, make sureyou thouroughly clean glasses, cups and silverware.
Do a little reading on the subject and pay attention to updates.
Map the swine flu:
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Planted more in the garden
I planted black simpson seeds, imperator carrots, purple
radish, and beets. I have some seeds in a covered peat pots.
Hubbard squash, more lettuce, marglobe tomatoes, rutgers tomato,
golden yellow crookneck squash, hale jumbo melon, white sweet spanish onion,
cucumbers and basil.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
I Planted my Onions
But there out there now.
Check out
Tomorrow I am putting in lettuce, yep, I am late on that one as well.
Whoa, Free Garden Plans
Make a simple wire compost bin
Keep your scraps for your compost bin
Sunday, April 05, 2009
AMomsLove News: Easter Celebrations

Easter Coloring Pages
Free Offer: Crafting and Recipe Booklet for Easter
Easter Home Page
Family Traditions
How to Teach Your Children the Most Important Thing about Easter
Easter Fun for Little Ones
Reflections for Easter
How to Decorate Easter Eggs
Mommy! Daddy! Why Does the Easter Bunny Bring Us Candy?
Print Easter Coupons for Big Bunny's Basket
Friday, February 13, 2009
Valentine Ideas
much we care. Here are some ideas for you garnered from 11 years
of publishing an online magazine.....lots of good stuff here.
Click here for Valentines Ideas on AMomsLove.com
Friday, January 23, 2009
See Body Beautiful this Weeken d
The Body Beautiful
YOUR INNER VAGABOND Lawrenceville. 412-334-3126.

Friday, January 16, 2009
What we Had for Breakfast on Frigid Morn

Thursday, January 15, 2009
The Clarion House B&B
Friday, January 02, 2009
New Years Resolutions