Welcome to Work at Home Ideas
August 12, 2006
A Moms Love
Top Spot:
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To subscribe:
Work at Home Story
Hello, My name is Holly Mann and I am 23-years-old. I am making
$12,000+ per month working online and I want to share my secrets, tips
and resources with you. There are a lot of scams out there involving
people who are trying to make quick cash and do not care about the
customers. I am not like that. I understand your skepticism, so
throughout this site I will be bluntly honest and provide as much
PROOF as possible. Some people know of me from my ebook that I sell
online, but not many people know my real story. I'll try to sum it up
for you. I am a single mom and disabled veteran of the U.S. Army. I
was Honorably discharged from the military at the age of 20 - after
serving as a military Journalist, Photographer and Website Designer.
Within one week of being released, I started in processing with an
overseas company to work as a civilian contractor in Baghdad, Iraq.
This was 6 months after the war started and I stayed there for 6
months - until I felt that it was entirely too dangerous.
"Why am I telling you all of this," you ask... I want people to know
that I am 'for real' and I am not a big time internet marketing guru
type who you can't relate to.
I started making money online when I was pregnant a couple of years
ago. I started out on ebay, selling websites to mortgage and loan
officers. That made me about $900.00 per month. But that involved A
LOT of manual work, it was time-consuming and I wanted to create
something that would become an automated income stream. I then became
an affiliate with a web hosting company called Wild West Domains. I
would sell hosting plans to most of my ebay customers who purchased
websites. I still make about $150.00-400.00 per month from that (and
that was well over a year ago when I brought customers to my affiliate
hosting company).
http://www.honestriches.com/?hop=amomsloveSo I started reading more, developing many more websites. I didn't
realize how profitable the internet was at that time. I began
profiting more and more, but it just didn't "click" for me then. I was
just like the majority of us Internet surfers who are trying
desperately to find a way to make money online. I created numerous
websites, promoting affiliate programs. One was: eHostingInfo.com and
I would refer ebay customers to that site and get $100.00 commission
per sale. Besides that and some other affiliate niche sites, I began
creating sites which profited from Google AdSense Ads. I also figured
out some Amazing FREE advertising techniques and Search Engine
Optimization tools and techniques. I even had a Search Engine
Optimization software program created called Content King (just
released). It is what I use to save me time so I can quickly optimize
my websites.
Although I started working online and designing sites 5 years ago, it
took a few years worth of knowledge all jumbled in my head for me to
finally have an epiphany. I came across a website online by a well
known internet marketer (self-proclaimed). I am not going to say who
this was because many people know him anyway. But when I saw his
website and the idea behind it - the concept - and how he was
profiting from affiliates promoting his ebook - it all made sense to
me. I didn't want to spend $97.00 on his ebook about making money
online. But, his sales letter was overwhelmingly appealing and made me
want to buy it. So, I went in with a few friends and split the cost.
After reading it, I realized that I knew almost everything in that
ebook already...except for the part about writing a killer sales
letter (I'm not the best salesperson) and one other tip that helped me
increase profits a little bit. Not only did I know what he was
detailing in his ebook, but I knew more ways to make money online
without start-up money. Ways to profit right away, without investing.
SEO techniques that he didn't even mention. So, I wrote my very own
ebook and went up against this well-known internet marketer and I've
had great success with it. I love opening my inbox to read "thank you"
emails and success stories every day from happy customers whose lives
have changed.
Prior to this, when I was pregnant and trying to live off of my ebay
income, I was struggling badly. I was receiving a disability check
from the military and trying to make it by on that. My son's father
and I are separated and I lived at my brother's house in a small room
with my young baby. I didn't want to owe anyone anything. I didn't
want to be dependent on my brother or anyone else for help. So, I sold
everything I owned and I moved to Thailand - a country which I lived
in 3 times before. I knew what I needed was TIME. My son had colic and
acid reflux so the first 6 months of his life involved a lot of crying
and not a lot of time for me to work. I knew if I went to Thailand
then I could afford to live there and I could use my time there to
develop more stable internet businesses - allowing me to create
several income streams. It was quite difficult when I first arrived
there with my baby. It was difficult to work online while my computer
connection was only 24 kbps and it took me over an hour to publish one
website. I went from $700.00 per month (not even a lot in Thailand) to
$12,000.00 per month within 4 months flat.
So, I want to save you a lot of time and money by telling you the
Resources which have changed my life and the way I do business online.
"Why am I sharing this info?" you ask...
I receive quite a few letters from people from all over the world. The
letters people email to me are sometimes extremely personal. I hear
from every single age group, from 15-70. I hear from people with
sicknesses, diseases, disabilities. I hear from single parents and
veterans. I want to help each person, but I don't have the time to be
a personal mentor or coach. So I am doing what I can with my free time
- to continually update my ebook with the best resources as well as
putting all my best resources on this website for all to see. I am
lucky that I have not spent thousands of dollars on get-rich-quick
schemes online. I haven't had to. Although I know how to make a good
living on the Internet, I always want to learn more and stay on top of
the ever-changing internet marketing world.
Holly's URL and Ebook:
YO, Anyone want FREE Publicity on Ranking.com's
76,000 ranked site of ALL Internet sites out there???
I need a picture of you working at your computer at
home...I would like to place it on amomslove wah ideas
newsletter page on yahoo and maybe on the magazine.
Does anyone have one...I will give you a free link on
amomslove...by the way
http://www.ranking.com ranks
amomslove at 76,055 of ALL websites on the net...
well, the top 900,000 or so(amomslove is also rated number
3 in our category by ranking.com)
http://scripts.ranking.com/data/report_domain.aspx?theurl=amomslove.comI also have an ad that has been on amomslove front page for a
recurring ad for very little...look for the button in the left hand
column...get your recurring ad NOW!
Click here for recurring ad:
Moms, Get more Ideas here!
Butterfly Marketing Script
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Few Weeks Delivered An Unstoppable Flood Of Traffic And Sales In Which
The Only Way You Could Shut It Off Would Be To Call Your Web Host And
Insult His Mother!
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